The one that we had a (bad feeling) experience with…

Everything seemed to be nice and good service until we told them you are going back to our country…

This hospital is on the 2nd floor in the small building in Goyheon, if you want to know the name – email me!
Keep in mind, if you need to get operations or more serious injuries for your pet, they will send your pet to Busan (which is about 2 hrs away).  They don’t have an operation/surgery room here.

The problem is, the information won’t link between those 2 locations!

Our dog is very old, she had to visit this vet every month after she got the bladder stone surgery…

So we were very close with this animal hospital for more than a year!
It seemed they were very nice and kind to us.

Until the last month, we were getting ready to return to our country (USA).  We asked them to do 2 kinds of documents.

One of them is very common because it’s required by Korean Government.  But the other one is “HEALTH CERTIFICATE”, we have to show it to the airline and US Quarantine Officer.

The vet (that used to be nice to us) said, I don’t know the HEALTH CERTIFICATE, you don’t need it!

But when we tried to show him the example, and we told him – we needed it!


But well, all the documents we showed him today, are the same documents we got from the agency last year!

All we paid today was 33,000won while we paid 150,000won to the Agency (for one dog).
I think the vet got some connection from the Agency (they do have the agency business card in their hospital)!

They all seemed to be upset when we tried to fight for what we needed…

The Vet also told us, that all documents need to be handwriting ONLY!

We aren’t sure about that (we will find out in the next 3 weeks!), so we paid extra for the typing version (at least, the typing version worked fine last year!)

FYI: If you are going to have RABIES vaccinations with this animal hospital, you also have to keep your own record!  When you need the document, you have to show them the book, they don’t have any database for you!

I would recommend finding a better animal hospital in Geoje Island, not this one!


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